
Fading daylight and bowl of pine cones .   .   .


A friend recently introduced me to the world of hot water bottles and I'm officially hooked.  Oh my word. I do not know how I was ever without one.  I knitted a nice cover for it, of course.  I recently started a Ravelry account — any fellow Ravelry users out there? You can find me here.


  1. i have an ancient soapstone bedwarmer, purchased years ago from l.l.bean. they no longer have them. it has a worn quilted cover. you warm it up in a low oven or on top of a wood stove. pop it in its cover and voila! a nice warm bed. total bliss :)

    1. "A Blog for Gretchen" — that's clearly what I should call this space.

      Soapstone with tattered quilt cover sounds amazing. Great bedwarmer, but maybe not so great for cuddling? We started calling these bottles (we both have our own) as our "cat bellies." Warm like a cat belly and jiggly like a cat belly.

    2. 'cat belly' . . . i love it; that is perfect. if only i could get aiko to arrange herself just right then i wouldn't need the bedwarmer!
