
We've been seriously spoiled with unseasonably warm weather for weeks now. Routines feel different, and fresh, thanks to the flow of crisp air streaming through the open back door in the afternoons.


  1. has your new furniture arrived yet? inquiring minds want to know (and to see!)

    1. oh gretchen, it did, but we've decided to return it. can you believe it! ha! i will email you in the next couple weeks. i hope your march is off to a good start and your toes are starting to thaw!

  2. toes are definitely thawed. it's currently raining and will hit 70 today. global warming, here we come! i understand about returning furniture. if it doesn't work or you don't like it in person, there's no reason to keep it. keep searching and good luck!

    1. i looked up your weather forecast yesterday and saw that! it pains me to send it back due to how long we waited for it, but back it must go. now we might try to find something gently used that is comfortable and try our hands at a slipcover. . . and with that process, we will most definitely need luck! enjoy your warm day of rain!
